For the past four decades homeowner associations have diminished the rights that traditionally were part of property ownership. These changes have been subtle and gradual with virtually no input from those most affected. In fact, there has been no debate about these changes, as Professor Evan McKenzie has been pointing out for almost 20 years. The bulk of the data collected and information disseminated has been one sided in this issue. But is all that about to change?
On the Commons with us this week is Professor Frank Askin. Professor Askin is a law professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey, a long time member of the ACLU and founder and director of the Constitutional Litigation Clinic at Rutgers. He has successfully argued to protect the Constitutional Rights of the citizens of New Jersey and is currently waiting for the Supreme Court ruling on whether homeowners leave their constitutional rights at the entrance of a controlled development in the Twin Rivers case, . He is the author of Defending Rights: A Life in Law and Politics. He was part of the conference on Homeowner Associations held in Trenton, New Jersey in May. Please join us On The Commons. We’ll talk about the importance of the conference and whether this is the first step in allowing the homeowners to take a more active role in participating in the debate that affects them. Copyright OTC Multimedia Productions 2007