After 5 years of investigating the corruption in Las Vegas homeowner associations, the FBI has turned over 3.1 million pages of documentation, 198 audio files, 25 videos and 1,100 photographs into evidence. At least 26 people have been indicted on a number of charges, four prominent people involved with the law firms and HOAs in question have allegedly committed suicide, reports of leaks from the US Attorney’s office in Las Vegas prompted the FBI fraud division to step in and take over, allegations of mob connections have surfaced recently.
I suppose this is just another “isolated incident” in a housing scam that allegedly is designed to protect property values.
Joining us On The Commons this week is Senator Mike Schneider. Senator Schneider, from Las Vegas, Nevada was aware of the problems with and in HOAs way before the Feds arrived to clean things up. Over the years he has sponsored legislation to try to regulate some of the problems but the forces of evil proved to be immune. We’ll get a better understanding of how and why so many homeowners in associations were subjected to such a massive fraudulent scheme.