David Kahne joins us On The Commons this week. David is an attorney in Houston Texas. He has worked in HOA and Condo law for many years as an attorney in court representing homeowners and as an advocate for HOA reform. David has been working on an interesting case that he will tell us about. Working through the case and doing his research, it became clear to David that some legislative fixes me be in order. Since David will be telling us all about the case I will leave it up to him to explain it but I urge you all to tune in and listen very carefully because he is asking us for our thoughts and any ideas we may have on how to hold board members responsible for violating the governing documents. Right now board members can fine homeowners in violation of almost everything but when a board member steps off the straight and narrow path homeowner are left holding the bag. That needs to change Tune in, listen in and send us your thoughts and ideas.