Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.
Every single day there is at least one HOA/condo story in some part of the country. Whether the headline grabber happens to be someone who is denied the right to fly Old Glory, or exercise the right of free speech, or freedom of religion or a homeowner who neglected to get a hose approved, or shutting down children’s lemonade stands on common areas for fear of “lowering property values”. Proponents of all the rules, regulations, restrictions, penalties, foreclosures and fines, to name just a few, would have us believe that living in fear and misery is good for us and the only way to protect property values. But what do the homeowners have to say about it? Do people want to be harassed, abused, penalized? Do they really want to live in fear of losing their homes and live in absolute terror of what their associations would do to them?
On The Commons this week we are joined by Jan Bergemann. Jan, the tireless president of the Florida based Cyber Citizens for Justice ( ), has done some pretty amazing things for the members of his organization. CCFJ has recently conducted a survey of people who have an interest in HOAs in Florida. The participants include industry professionals as well as homeowners. Please join us On The Commons this Saturday, October 4, 2008. We’ll find out about the survey and what the results reveal. We’ll also find out whether or not Americans want to live under such harsh and dictatorial conditions.