The annual tug of war in state capitols around the country is coming to an end. Legislators have proposed and considered bills that would drastically affect their constituents right where they live, in their homes. Some of these new bills were drafted in response to problems reported by homeowners who live in HOAs but most of the HOA legislation is written and lobbied for by the vendors of goods and services, almost always increasing the powers of associations to the detriment of the homeowners. This year has seen huge numbers of bills in several states. Who wrote these bills? Are any of them good for the owners? And did any good legislation pass through all the committees, houses, hearings, senates and survive the Governor’s office?
On The Commons this week we are joined by Bill Davis. Bill is an attorney and a homeowner in Texas who learned about HOAs, and all the problems associated with them, not in law school but by being thrown in the deep end. And like many of the controlled homeowners across the country, associations have occupied a good deal of his time since then. Please join us On The Commons. There were in excess of 100 bills that would have affected home and condo owners in Texas. We’ll talk about a few of these bills and what they would do if passed. We’ll also talk about some bills that you will need to look out for regardless of what part of the country you live in.