Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.
Writing new laws either empowering residential associations or regulating them has become an annual ritual. This year is no exception however the owners made almost no gains during the current legislative sessions as the special interests continued to lobby for greater powers and more control over associations, controlled dwelling units and the folks who own them. At a time when the economy is creating havoc where we live as well as where we work, one would have expected some help from our elected representatives to stem the flow of blood in associations. Unfortunately, the ones who understand the need for protective legislation and who are willing to take the moral high ground and introduce consumer friendly legislation are far outnumbered by their colleagues who are not willing to offend the special interests. But was it a completely lost year for consumers or did some homeowners manage to prevail?
On The Commons this week we are joined by Jean Kettley, current president of the Maryland Homeowners Association (MHA) and Patricia Wigginton, past president and long time member of MHA. Numbering in the hundreds, members of MHA have been very active in lobbying for legislation and unlike many other states where the homeowners lost, were successful in getting a bill passed this year. Please join us On The Commons this Saturday, June 20, 2009. We’ll talk about the MHA bill and learn the details and also talk a little about another hot topic in HOA land this year, insurance.