Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.
Almost half a century ago the idea of creating little private residential enclaves, complete with the power to levy assessments, adopt rules and enforce them was hatched. While the original goal of providing local governments with a means of collecting free tax dollars worked perfectly, the problems this housing concept created have made the dream of homeownership a nightmare for many. Over the past decades some legislators have attempted to “fix” the problems. Have they?
On The Commons this week we are joined by Senator Mike Schneider. Mike, a Nevada State legislator has been the go to guy in Nevada for HOA and condo problems. He has introduced legislation designed to provide some form of oversight for his constituents but has it worked and is it enough? Please join us On The Commons this Saturday, May 29, 2010. We’ll get caught up on the latest from Nevada.