On The Commons turns 10 years old this month. Our special guest is Evan McKenzie as we celebrate 10 years and kick off a brand new season of On The Commons.
For years housing consumers have been told that associations protect property values despite the fact that there was no real evidence or data to support this pie-in-the sky notion. With the current downturn in the economy what seems to be emerging is that not only do associations NOT protect property values since they are not immune from the world around them but they can actually diminish values. While it is a fact that many associations are under water, the exact number is not known. And for those that are, will they come back? What happens to property values in those developments? How many people and how many lives will be adversely affected because of the association?
On The Commons this week we are joined by Professor Evan McKenzie. Dr. McKenzie is a professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago and the John Marshall School of Law as well as a practicing attorney, author and blogger. He is the author of Privatopia: Homeowner Associations and the Rise of Residential Private Government. His second book is due out soon. Please join us On The Commons. We’ll take a look at the big picture of the health of HOAs, and where the individual homeowners stand in all this. We also get a sneak peek at his new book and maybe some ideas for a third one? Join us and find out.