Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.
The papers, TV news reports, radio news and talk shows and blogs the world over have been reporting on the horror stories, tragedies and financial problems facing America’s millions of homeowners trapped in association controlled dwelling units. You can read and listen to many versions of the suicides in Las Vegas, the fatal shooting of a teenager by a “volunteer” patrolling the neighborhood for Neighborhood Watch, the condo owner being fined and sued for having the temerity to plant flowers in front of her unit, the homeowner threatened with fines for placing a small religious symbol on her front door. And the list goes on, from the horrendous to the insanely stupid and petty. Regardless of how horrible or hideous the news from associations is, proponents of controlled living insist associations protect you, the unit owners. But do they?
Joining us On The Commons is Bill Davis. Bill is a Texas attorney who has been digging a little deeper into all the ramifications of housing associations. We’ll talk about the latest pitfalls not generally known and understood by unit owners and what to look for to determine whether or not you are adequately protected or….? You won’t want to miss this one.