It is common knowledge that stress affects our health adversely. It is an equally well known fact that we react differently to situations when we are under stress than we would otherwise. So it is not such a great stretch to realize that stress can be used to undermine someone in an adversarial situation. Is there anything that can be done to mitigate the damage caused by these dirty tactics?
Joining us On The Commons this week we have Dr. Karen Huffer. Dr. Huffer is an author, associate professor, researcher, speaker and consultant. We will talk about the effects of stress not only in our daily lives but how stress can affect us in specific situations, including tactics used in court to dehumanize individuals. She will share some tricks on how to handle those specific situations. She has devoted her career to ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access to services. Her website with information about her books and webinars can be found at

Does a homeowners’ association board have a duty to know and understand the authority they are granted by the laws and governing documents and the duties they have to the association and its members? When a board exceeds its authority and starts enforcing rules they never had the ability to adopt in the first place, the members of the association end up having to pay the price. And some homeowners in particular pay an even bigger price.
Joining us On The Commons this week is Jean Winters. Jean is an attorney in Florida who appears to follow the letter of the law and represents homeowners. In a recent court case win she managed to unearth a number of wrongs that had been ongoing for almost a quarter of a century. Join us to find out about the particulars of the case, the laws in Florida and the sad story about one of the victims of a board who strayed outside the lines of their authority.

News and Views About Homeowner Associations