Nila Ridings

While it is common knowledge that many people do not like involuntary membership residential associations they nonetheless believe they are a necessary evil.  For years we have been told that HOAs “Protect property values”.  That’s about as bogus as the notion of “if it hurts it has to be good for you”.

Joining us On The Commons this week is Nila Ridings.  Nila’s father had warned her about HOAs and had advised her to never buy a unit in one.  She learned the hard way why he was no fan of them.  Join us as she debunks the myth of protecting property values, strips the top layer off the outer shell of the units to expose the crumbling structure of “common” housing and tells us what it took to codify a homeowner bill of rights in Kansas.


Shelly Marshall

Buying real estate is an emotional purchase.  People fall in love with the house, the furniture, a feeling,  the smell of brownies baking in the oven, a view or the potential the plot has.  The sad part is that if that purchase is in an involuntary membership association it comes with extra fees, hidden costs and lots of traps for the uninitiated.  The glossy brochures or the real estate sales people never tell you that the sparkling pool that looks so refreshing and inviting could cost you your house.  Or that the rose bush you plan on planting in YOUR front yard could land you in court.  
And when you discover that you ended up with a lot more than you bargained for, what do you do?  Where do you go for the answers? 
Joining us  On The Commons  this week is Shelly Marshall.   Shelly owns a house in a rural  recreational association in Utah.  When some of the full time residents decided to change the rules and the feel of the neighborhood they did not expect Shelly and her neighbors to object.  But object they did.  They got organized, learned everything they could about associations, laws, documents and how to work as a team.  When it was all over with, Shelly wrote an e- book, called HOA WARRIOR and she maintains a blog at  Everyone out there, wondering where to turn and what to do next, tune in to the show, check out her website and read her book. 