Playing, building, running, climbing, imagining, creating and having fun was part of everyone’s childhood. In the process we got exercise, learned new skills, bonded with parents and grandparents, played with friends and built things. Isn’t that what being a child is all about? But in the brave new controlled residential world that has taken over traditional neighborhoods, we value elusive property values over a child’s health and wellbeing. We willingly trade in their ability to run and play and have fun in exchange for a “neat and tidy” backyard that is not usually visible.
How will we pay for this new lifestyle where rules and a blade of grass are more important than our children?
“Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences”. -Robert Louis Stevenson
We are joined On The Commons by Nick Leggett . Nick is a HAM and an inventor who owns several patents for his inventions. He attributes his creativity, curiosity and skills to building things with his Dad in their backyard. He called it a “safe adventure”. In fact those adventures are among his favorite memories. Join us as we talk about what it must be like for kids in today’s housing and wonder what the impact of this will be for our future.

What’s in a name? A rose by any other would smell as sweet. Was Shakespeare right or does a name, or a word, make a difference? How important is it to use the proper terminology to get your point across? How well should the words used answer a question you ask? Can words be interchangeable while still delivering a clear message? If the bard was right, would dandelion be a good substitute for a rose?
Joining us On The Commons this week is Bill Davis. Bill is an attorney in Texas who has been involved with controlled dwelling units for many years and for a long time has been telling me we need to start using proper terminology. He is right and that point was made quite clear to me recently. OMG, it’s an IMC. You’ll just have to tune in to find out what that is all about.

Over the years Americans have been told that involuntary membership residential associations protected values. People believed it and were willing to give up rights they normally had in exchange for the promise of higher values. Gradually associations controlled more and more aspects of the units. Is there a line that should not be crossed or will associations be allowed to control every aspect of an owner’s life?
Joining us On The Commons this week is Stephen Marcus. Steve is an attorney in Massachusetts who represents condominiums. On his firm’s web page there is a write up of a Maine Supreme Court decision about a condo’s smoking ban in private units. I wondered if there was a line associations wouldn’t cross so I asked Steve to join us and talk about it. Tune in to hear what he has to say and where my question led us.

News and Views About Homeowner Associations