‘Tis the season, once again, to tweak state laws regulating condominiums and homeowner associations, in an effort to make them just a wee bit more acceptable or palatable to the masses. Almost all states, faced with growing frustration, dissatisfaction and problems with mandatory membership residential associations are trying, once again, to find “solutions”. Will this be the year they finally get it right and allow home OWNERS to live in their own homes in peace and quiet? Or will special interests prevail, yet again, and convince law makers that the homeowners really do want to give all their rights away?
Bill Davis joins us On The Commons this week. Bill, a Texas attorney changed his specialty to HOA law and is one of a rare breed who represents owners and helps them protect their rights. More than most people, including attorneys, Bill understands the ramifications of proposed legislation. We will talk to about a couple of new bills that have been signed into law, one in Illinois and the other in California. You will find his analysis of the laws, his insights and comments to be informative and spot on.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but what I got out of listening to this episode is that:
Even with someone like Evan McKenzie actively involved in writing a piece of H.O.A. legislation, the end result doesn’t provide any real protections for home owners.
In other words, we are totally screwed, and it’s not getting any better.