There is a crisis in residential America that few people are aware of or are willing to acknowledge. Fortunately you can’t keep all Americans in the dark forever. Sooner or later, the truth will come out and I am hopeful that sooner rather than later, more people will allow their eyes to be opened to what is happening. We have covered the physical health problems that are due to the stress of living in an HOA. Dr Solomon’s ebook HOA:Crisis in America is a must read to understand this. Another serious problem that affects our health is the unhealthy condition of our dwelling units. I hesitate to call them homes because, frankly, they are a disgrace.
Notwithstanding all the money we throw at various and sundry government agencies, they have ALL abdicated their duties and responsibilities to their constituents, fellow citizens and their employers. Governments are failing us. Entry level homes, McMansions and everything in between are being built on contaminated land, without the benefit of independent inspections to ensure they are built properly and then turned over to “private sector” to manage. without any adult supervision at all.
Let’s find out just how well that is working out in just one such development in Pennsylvania.
Andy Ostrowski joins us On The Commons this week. Andy is a civil rights attorney, founder of the Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network and a congressional candidate in 2014 who learned about the problems in HOAs during his campaign and vowed to stay in the fight whether he won or not. He is now very passionate about trying to do something about housing and is a very active and outspoken critic of the very unpleasant occurrences in our neighborhoods. One of these developments is in Pennsylvania in a small condominium called Hidden Valley where mold, environmental issues, sewer problems, unexplained fires and untimely deaths have been part of every day life. Andy reveals the “hidden truths” about what goes on in Hidden Valley.