If you ever wonder why we are having so many problems in residential America, all you have to do is follow the bouncing ball. The trail will lead you to a number of issues that almost every mandatory membership development in every state faces. When you look at what is happening and then go back to what these associations were supposed to be, and think about all the platitudes spread around the country like manure in flowerbeds, the stink will be unavoidable. The flowers that are growing are not for the benefit of the owners but are being plucked by the special interests.
Jim Lane joins us On The Commons. Jim is a homeowner and activist in North Carolina where he has spent time trying to educate homeowners and has lobbied to have homeowner friendly legislation enacted in NC. His group is called Coalition for Homeowner Protection and Reform of Homeowner Association Laws We talk to Jim about some of the issues and the problems and the current laws in NC. One of Jim’s main concerns is that there really is nowhere for homeowners to turn for help when they find themselves in the crosshairs of the association. He points out that although the legislature has enacted laws allowing the homeowners some access to books and records, the state has not provided an enforcement mechanism other than costly litigation. We also discuss what needs to be done and why the HOA system, as it is currently configured, is NOT working FOR the homeowners.