It is so easy to look around us with great sadness and wonder what happened to our traditional values? Where did our rights go? How come even our homes and communities have become unpleasant, scary and alien places? Places we are afraid to go to? Weren’t they once our safe havens where we had the final word? Why can we no longer choose the plants we have in our yards? The drapes we have in our windows? The outdoor play areas we want for our children? What happened? Shouldn’t someone be doing something to take us back to the way things used to be?
Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.
Jeff Dove joins us On The Commons. Jeff’s mother taught him that “When you don’t like the way something is going, you should get off the sidelines and do something about it”. Wise words from wise people. Jeff took his mother’s words to heart, in fact her words have guided him throughout his life and he is now ready to take the next big step in doing something about it. Jeff threw his hat in the ring and is running for Congress. When he wins he will be MY congressman and I can’t wait for that to happen. Tune in and join us as I get to know Jeff, his values and his beliefs. We talk about the issues facing us all and we talk about our homes and our rights. We also talk about “change”, change for the better and how we can get there. Isn’t it time to have someone in office who will listen to his constituents and find out what they want? Let’s all get off the sidelines and be the change we want to see in our world. There is a better world out there waiting for us and our children. All we have to do is get there.
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