Like so much of the world, Radio Fairfax is closed to protect all the employees and volunteers. We will be back in full swing as soon as the coronavirus scare is over. Please take good care of yourselves and keep healthy. Shu and the Technical Staff at On the Commons.

Coronavirus is dominating the news worldwide right now. To add to all the confusion, this strain of coronavirus is new so science and the medical community are working around the clock to learn about it, figure out how to treat the patients who have contracted it and to develop vaccines to prevent the future spread of the virus. There is much to learn about this virus and there is always fear of the unknown. However, with all the misinformation floating around, the unknown is creating a lot of confusion and increasing the fear factor manifold.
Ed Allcock joins us On The Commons. Ed, an attorney with Marcus, Errico, Emmer and Brooks, a Massachusetts law firm that represents condominiums and HOA. Ed took a step back and started looking at common sense ways to mitigate the spread of this potentially deadly virus, especially in high density buildings such as high rise condominiums where people come into contact with public facilities. With a little thought, common sense and some help from his high school daughter’s leadership he came up with a plan on how can board members and managers can reduce the risk of cross contamination in their buildings Ed wrote an article, “Coronavirus:What should Condominium Associations Do?” With common sense ideas and some very worthwhile ways of combating the spread. We’ll talk to Ed about his article, what he has learned in the process and how we call do our bit to avoid being victims but warriors fighting back.