Narayanan Doraswamy, a fellow Toastmaster and a friend joins us On The Commons
Sometimes it takes a fresh eye to focus on a story we have been working on for ages. Certainly, all the problems within HOAs have been occupying our time for years. Just what are we dealing with and where do we go from here? We all agree there are problems and issues but just how do we find an easy way to symplify the problem se we can follow the issues and get a grip on the issues. As luck would have it, my husband and I both belong to TBA Toastmasters where a friend of our and fellow Toastmaster Narayanan Doraswamy gave a terrific speech abut the 5 Whys.
My husband reminded me about it and when I asked Narayanan if he would join us On the Commons and share shis story with us. My good friend Narayanan agreed, drove many miles to join me in the studio and did wonderful job telling us the story. I had heard the story but hung on to every word. Tune in , I am sure you will agree with us that this is a terrific way of finding the answers to the HOA problems. It is high. time we dealt with it once and for all. Narayanan knows about HOAS like so many of us, he lives in one after all, but unlike so many people he hasbn’t tried to fix them as far as I know. What’s breathtakingly refreshing in his story is its simplicity. Maybe the answer lies outside the usual HOA chatter.