We are still in Florida for this show. For those of you who have n ot had the privilege of meeting Senator Robaina. Years ago I dubbed him the Energizer Bunny, I am happy to say, nthing has changed, he is still the Energizer Bunny and so full energy I had to work hard to keep up with him. We talk about a lot of issues that affect life in HOAs and condos. Julio explains the effect they have on the owners, especially the retirees who are living on a limited income. It seems every time there is a major, headline grabbing problem happens, whether it is an entire highrise sondo that collapses or where millions of dollars are stollen from an association, it is always the homowners who are blamed. Why? Because they are not providing adequate oversight, but ask to inspect the books and records as per your right, and the world collapses around you or the homeowners are selfish and don’t care about what happens so they refuse to fund the reserves and that’s why we have these problems. . Julio explains it and fills in more details. You will not want to miss this show.