Larry Murphree

Larry Murphree

In the land of the free and the brave, the brave are having a hard time being free in their HOA controlled homes.  In some associations there is always someone willing to inspect private property, searching for any perceived violation no matter how ridiculous.  Almost a decade ago one of the condo spies spied a flag, a small flag, a really small flag in a flowerpot on the front porch of a homeowner, and they were off and running.  The violation notices and threat letters started arriving in the mailbox, followed by fines and expensive legal warnings from the HOA attorneys.  Yes, you know who they are.  When will they stop harassing and abusing Americans, especially veterans, for flying a flag? When will we realize that there are serious health issues associated with living under an HOA microscope and all the associated stress? When will this insanity stop?

Larry Murphree joins us On The Commons.  Larry committed the ultimate sin by placing a small US flag  in his flower pot on his front porch. Sweetwater condo association was quick to let him know that there was “an unapproved object in his flower pot”.  As you can imagine, Larry was rightly offended.  His flag was NOT an “unapproved object”. We talk to Larry about his life in Sweetwater Condo, the constant harassment, the abuse, the nitpicking and the pettiness and the sheer stupidity that is part and parcel of a bad HOA.  There are a lot of really funny stories about life in his petty association in general.  And then we learn about his current home. Tune in for some great giggles, then on Monday, February 24th head on over to Duval County Court House at 9 AM for what we hope will be his final hearing.  Go and support him.  Remember, there is strength in numbers.  

Listen to Larry Murphree

Tell us your stories in  your own words 


John McGuire

John McGuire

This encore presentation of On the Commons features John McGuire, who is running for congress in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District in 2024. On the Commons had John on the air a full five years earlier in 2019.

Bruised, abused, mocked, harassed, dejected and frustrated, homeowners in HOAs have tried to fight back. They have been sued, fined, ridiculed, outgunned and left standing alone in a sea of their neighbors, homeowners like themselves too terrified to even talk to them lest they find themselves in the crosshairs of the HOA.  Over the years I have talked to and witnessed some of these homeowners as they start an organization to fight the injustices of HOAs only to end up fighting amongst themselves.  Their vision of taming the HOA monster evaporating into thin air. Could part of the problem be the lack of teamwork?  Are they listening to each other or shouting over each other? Is the key to real reform as simple as listening?

John McGuire joins us On The Commons. John, a Virginia delegate has one of the most amazing and inspiring personal stories I have yet to come across.  When all the odds seemed to be against him, John fought and earned one of the coveted spots as a Navy Seal, despite being told he couldn’t do it. Later he defied the odds again and survived a life threatening accident, learned to walk and to write his name – again.  Incredibly none of what he went through in life convinced him he couldn’t do something.  Being told he couldn’t do something was the impetus he needed to prove them wrong. John strongly believes in teamwork and like every good leader, gives credit to his team.  I heard about John when he managed to help resolve a 20 year HOA horror story.  We’ll get to know John personally and learn about his philosophy, talk about the problems in HOAs and start looking at different ways of dealing with the problems millions of American homeowners face nationwide.  

Listen to John McGuire

Tell us your stories in your own words 
