The world watched in horror on on June 24, 2021 as the Surfside condominium tower collapsed as an estimated 1000 men, women and children lost their lives. The world is still trying to come to terms with exactly what happened and what led to the tragedy. There have been many theories as the what caused the collapse. There is evidence that the condo neglected to perform the necessary repairs and to keep the building in good repair. It is also alleged that the condo was underfunded. In an effort to prevent a repeat of such a tragedy, legislators, advocates and others with an interest in ensuring that this does not happen again, Several pieces of legislation was written and presented for consideration. Sadly, despite all the work and the obvious need for some remedies NOTHING was done by the legislators in this session. Floridians got back with no additional protections thanks.
Jan Bergemann, founder of the very active Florida based Cyber Citizens for Justice joins us On The Commons and explains exactly what happened. I hope the world is still listening because our legislators really do need to step up and make sure their citizens are protected. Please tune in. We will be following this story.