Those darling dinosaurs, happily grazing in a Texas yard brought smiles to the faces of children of all ages. The grumpy board members of the inevitable HOA, not so much. They decided that the dynamic duo had to leave “or else….” Well, you know what they can be like – a little power and they lose their heads. But this story really is all about the power of the people, the ability of the neighbors to appreciate a couple of beautiful sculptures that give such joy to the folks next door and across the street. Notwithstanding the grumpy ones, the residents of this neighborhood all wanted a pair of dinosaurs of their own – at least for a while. And thus began an amazing journey and a lesson for all of us, including the grumpy group. Are you listening?
By the way, you do not have to be a board member to be grumpy and not all board members are grumpy.
Nancy Hentschel joins us On The Commons to give us an update on her ingenious plan to share her dinosaurs with her new friends in the neighborhood. She explains how her generosity is helping make money for the charities. The plan is simple and brilliant. Any neighbor who wants to have the dinosaurs spend a little time in their front yard will have to make a $50 donation to the charity of their choice. Charities are getting much needed money, especially at this time of the year. Smiles, grins, joy and photo ops these big prehistoric beings bring continue. It is a win win for all. Although Nancy is in the process of moving to a saner, kinder neighborhood where grumpy people are not allowed, she is generously allowing her dazzling dinos to remain behind. They are defying the traditional HOA wisdom about uniformity and conformity protecting property values and proving that a little fun can go a long way in making a happy community. Talking to Nancy I was reminded of a short story I read online called A Flock of Lawn Flamingos . Nancy, thanks for reminding us of what is really important in life.