Category Archives: Property Rights

Janice Fontell

Have you heard the one about homeowner associations being democracy “up close and personal”?  The story goes that members are expected to participate in meetings, voice their opinions and to be part of the “community” which includes being financially responsible for common expenses.  So it only stands to reason that one should be entitled to an explanation of any increases.  But what happens when a member asks a simple question about a dues increase?

On this show we will start at that point – a very small dues increase and when an explanation was asked for the name calling, finger pointing and suppressing information started.  When a simple answer to a simple question is not forthcoming and creates such acrimony, something is wrong.  So when a situation doesn’t pass the smell test it is prudent to dig a little deeper especially when your most valuable asset, your home, is at stake.

But that is easier said then done.

On the Commons with us this week we are joined by Janice Fontell.  Janice is an accountant by trade and she bought into the notion of “carefree living” that her condo promised.  She paid her dues and minded her own business.  Join us as we follow her incredible journey into homeownership, her awakening and subsequent education into what HOA living really is all about.  But that is only the beginning because she found herself learning all about the law and her way around court where she ultimately prevailed – in part 1.  You will want to hear this part of her story.  There is another case pending and we hope to catch up with Janice later on.


Tom DeWeese

When I started producing the show 14 years ago, I wondered if I would have enough material to cover during the initial 6 month contract. I need not have worried because the HOA wars multiplied like rabbits, homeowners and attorneys on both sides of the battle fields wanted to tell their side of the story and legislators started scratching their heads wondering what to do about all the complaints they were getting from their constituents. I guess that was before the days when the polls decided everyone was madly in love with the idea of being abused and just loved living the kontrolled life.

In my quest several years ago to make sense of the assault on hearth and home in America, I met the gentleman we will be talking to on this show. Tom was fighting a much bigger battle in a much bigger arena and he was making a difference. People in power started listening to what he had to say and some even acted on his advice proving that a small, handful of thoughtful and committed people can change the world.

Joining us today On The Commons we have Tom DeWeese. Tom is the founder and President of the Virginia based American Policy Center. He has been an advocate for freedom, property and individual rights for the past quarter of a century. We talk to Tom about just a few of the successes he has had over the years, learn a little about the important points when initially starting on the road to righting the ills of the world and just how critical having a written plan can be. He is a dynamic speaker who is energetic and passionate about message. He is currently working on webinars you can sign up for on his website: Check it out, you’ll find lots of other good information there as well.


Martha Boneta

Black’s Law Dictionary defines property in part as “…that which belongs exclusively to one.”  It goes on to  say; “In the strict legal sense, an aggregate of rights which are guaranteed and protected by the government.”  
Oh baby, have we strayed a long way from that concept.  In this brave new world of controlled living we appear to have turned the notion of rights guaranteed and protected by the government on its head.
On this show we normally focus on those rights as they pertain to involuntary membership HOAs and enabling legislation nibbling away at what little  is left.  But perhaps enemy #1 is the very entity charged with protecting those “aggregate rights” Black’s Law Dictionary talks about.  
Joining us On The Commons this week is Martha Boneta.  Martha is a farmer in Fauquier County, Virginia where she tends to her animals and grows vegetables, produces honey and shares her passion for farming and her love of the land with anyone and everyone  who is willing to listen.  It is no surprise then to learn that when a friend asked if she could host her daughter’s 10th birthday on the farm that Martha willingly agreed.  The birthday girl and 7 of her best friends enjoyed a day playing with animals, making soap and picking fresh vegetables.  But apparently not everyone thought this was such a wonderful idea because Martha soon heard from the county government, you know, the ones charged with protecting her “aggregate rights”.  And that was the start of a 2 year nightmare.  Not one to back down, Martha put the issues on the skyline, got the Martha Boneta Bill signed into law and had a lullaby written for her.  You can hear it here  To hear her full story and the unbelievable abuses she endured, tune in.