It’s time to reflect on the 900 + shows we have done. Yes, I say WE, because I didn’t do them on my own- I am so thankful and grateful for the over 900 guests who have joined me, told their stories, explained the laws, talked about the legislation they were proposing, the books they had written, the projects they were working on and the many other issues affecting the place we call home. Some of their stories have made us extremely angry, others have left us wondering if we heard correctly, some have made us cry and others made us laugh, we have cheered and rejoiced when the homeowner won and we always wished them our very best. But this show will leave you with so much hope. You will be energized, excited and anxious to get started. I know that’s how I felt.
Martha Boneta joins us On The Commons. Martha owns a small family farm in Northern Virginia. It has always been her dream to grow food and feed others. But when she finally got her farm, her dream came with some really nasty surprises. Not one to roll over and let the bad guys get the best of her, Martha stood her ground and fought back to protect her farm and her rights. Now she is working on setting up a national grassroots network and invites everyone to join the fight for freedom. And at the heart of freedom is property rights. How can freedom exist without the right to own property, whether it is a farm, a mansion or a small condo? As Martha said, “Now, more than ever, across our nation we need to rise up and answer the call to defend the American Dream.” You will be excited at her ideas and will agree with much of what she has to say. You can reach her via her website or by phone, 571-839-1143. Stay tuned for the official launch of this grassroots movement, scheduled for sometime in January. And when it launches, Martha will be back with details – she promised.
And this Thanksgiving I am thankful for all of you, all the people who will fight back for justice and freedom and I am really proud to call Martha a friend. Now you have to tune in, don’t you?