Every year, for as long as I can remember, homeowners have gathered to talk about the problems and the issues they face in their HOA governed homes and developments. Invariably they debate potential legislation they believe would Provide for a fair and balanced playing field. And over the years more and more laws are added to the books in all the states. Sometimes they succeed – for a little while – but usually they are back the following legislative session, still trying to fix the never ending problems and abuses. I have long believed there has to be a better way and that Americans are entitled to live peacefully in their own homes. Maybe it is time to think outside the box and try something different.
David Kahne joins us On The Commons. David, an attorney in Houston, Texas, is one of a handful of attorneys nationwide who understands HOA laws and does represent owners against their HOAs. He has worked on a legislative agenda for Texas for as long as I have known him. This year is no exception. We talk to David about some of the items on his legislative agenda, some of the issues he believes need to be addressed to even out the balance of power and give the owner a fighting chance. We talk about fines and foreclosures and legal fees. We touch on many issues, including whether some of the legislative agenda could, or should, be tackled at the Federal level. And we barely scratched the surface of what should be done to return full ownership and sovereignty of our homes to their rightful owners.
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