While we were not looking, special interests have taken control of our homes. Gone are the days when ownership meant enjoying dominion over one’s domain. Those days have been replaced by a new order where every Tom, Dick and Harry has a financial stake in what once was considered sacred territory. Who are these special interests who have high jacked our once simple and more or less peaceful way of life? A very short list would include governments, developers, environmental commissions, banks and lending institutions, HOA industry, and the list goes on. And what do they have to gain by it? MONEY and POWER! Cutting off the money supply and the power is the only way to restore healthy families and communities in America.
Shelly Marshall joins us On The Commons. Shelly must have been born with a sense of making the world a better place. She says as young lady she wanted to save the world with love and ended up sticking daisies in the barrels of police guns. That spirit of “saving the world” is still very much a part of who Shelly is. She is a published author, an advocate and the founder of many web sites dedicated to helping people solve their problems. Her latest endeavor is a web site under construction called HOA Lawyer. This website is designed to provide information and links for homeowners to get started on their own research. It is also building a listing of attorneys across the country who will represent homeowners who are fighting to protect their property rights. If you know an attorney who represents owners, please submit their names (with their permission) to the web site. Let us help Shelly stick daisies all over the country and turn our neighborhoods into fields of daisies.