The road to justice and equality in HOAs is fraught with huge roadblocks for the homeowner. Just finding someone who can explain what is going on or how to deal with the threat and demand letters that keep pouring in can be daunting enough, but fInding an attorney knowledgeable in HOA law who is willing to represent a homeowner is almost impossible in some parts of the country and very difficult in other areas.
The Mis’s are thriving in America’s almost 330,000 mandatory membership homeowner associations – MISinformation, MISstatments, MISunderstandings, MIScalculations and MIStakes. Housing consumers are often misinformed about what they are getting themselves into when they buy a unit in an HOA. The information provided by all the professionals along the line is misstated and often miscalculated leading to some less than welcome surprises down the road. Mistakes are made and somehow the homeowner always ends up paying.
What can a homeowner, caught in the crosshairs of an out of control association, do? WHat shouldn’t they do?
Bill Davis is On The Commons with us this week. Bill is an attorney in Texas who found himself in the unenviable position of having to go to court to protect his property rights. He learned all about HOA law and now represents homeowners against their HOAs. We’ll find out what is going on in associations and talk about some things people need to watch out for and things homeowners should never agree to.