Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.
The vision of condo and homeowner association living is that all the members are equal, contribute equally and take an active interest in the overall management of the association. Keeping an eye on our collective assets is also a responsibility. It sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? But what happened along the way to muddy that vision of pure residential bliss? Why can’t association living be as harmonious, carefree and wonderful as we are led to believe?
On The Commons with Shu this week is Melvyn Hobbs, Melvyn and his wife escape the drab British winters by spending half the year in Florida where they own a condo in the sun. Unfortuanly the state of affairs inside this private enclave have been anything but sunny. The Hobbs’ have not only discovered for themselves that condo living is far from carefree but they have also spent an additional half a million dollars trying to protect their property values from the mismanagement of the association. Please join us On The Commons. We’ll spend a few minutes with Melvin before he catches his plane back to the UK to enjoy life in his non controlled neighborhood.