Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.
Theoretically if we pool our resources, share in the costs, even the most modest of Americans can live just like the rich and famous we see in the movies. With that in mind, recreational amenities were dreamed up, designed and made part of the projects of the future. Swimming pools, golf courses, tennis courts, jogging and riding trails, hangars are part of this new fangled private world we have all been delegated to. So what is so terrible about having access to a pool? And horse lovers are drawn to places with stables and riding trails and golf course views command premiums. Welcome to the dwelling units of the future. What possible downsides could there be?
On The Commons this week we are joined by Jan Bergmann. Jan, the energetic president of the Florida based Cyber Citizens for Justice ( has his finger on the pulse of the issues facing Florida’s condo and HOA residents. In addition to presiding over CCFJ , Jan has been a panelist at many Town Hall meetings, maintains a blog for the Sun Sentinel and works with legislators to enact homeowner friendly legislation. Please join us On The Commons. We’ll get caught up on the news, talk about property values and find out just how well all those amenity loaded projects are doing.