Tom DeWeese


When trying to decipher the issues and problems with personal rights and private property rights, I often feel overwhelmed.  There are just so many ways all our rights are stripped that trying to track them all is a bit like what I imagine drinking from a fire hydrant would feel like.  At the very least you get soaked, breathing would be extremely difficult and it is questionable just how much you actually manage to drink.  And that is exactly how I feel when dealing with these issues. The micromanagement from all levels of the real governments, their omnipotent NGOs and the lowly first rung petty dictators in your local HOA is unbelievable. There is no end to the rules, laws, regulations, ordinances, covenants designed to control almost every aspect of your life.

Tom DeWeese joins us On The Commons.  Tom is the founder and president of the Virginia based American Policy Center and the editor of The DeWeese Report.  He is an author, a speaker, an advocate, an activist and, with several decades of studying the master manipulators and the property robbers worldwide, a font of knowledge.  He is passionate about what he does and with a well-organized and easy to follow narrative manages to fit in many missing pieces to the jigsaw puzzle the rest of us are trying to solve.  He zooms his lens out and looks at the big picture and then easily slips the puzzle pieces in place, before zooming back in and bringing the picture into focus. I always learn so much when I spend some time listening to Tom.  By the way, did I mention he is also a very nice person and fun to talk to?  He is.  You’ll want to tune in.
