Sometimes we just have to take a really bad idea and make it that much worse, don’t we? We start off with a scheme to provide municipalities with a means of collecting free tax dollars – THAT was the 1st bad idea in this chain of horrors we have created. The second bad idea was allowing them to mandate involuntary membership HOAs. To keep the owners under control, and as a favor to the special interests, state legislators sponsored bills giving associations greater powers. The bills kept coming so something that should be simple has become so unbelievably complicated. Add to that well intentioned, but largely ignorant, homeowners who have made it their business to dream up more “laws” further stripping owners of rights and you have a monumental mess. Will we ever learn to “Keep it Simple”? As the song says, “The answer is blowing in the wind!”
John Cowherd joins us On The Commons. John, a Virginia attorney and a frequent guest on the show represents homeowners in condominiums and homeowner associations as part of his practice. He is also a blogger. In his Blog , Words of Conveyance, he talks about cases and highlights news in the world of real estate. Notwithstanding a growing family and a growing practice John manages to keep his finger on the pulse of what is going on in the land of controlled living. We talk about the changes in residential neighborhoods brought about by all these “bad ideas” that have been piling up. We brainstorm about some of the issues and problems facing Americans, whether they own or lease in residential associations, they are all subject to the same intrusive and petty rules and disasters. With all the bad ideas needlessly complicating every day life, there is, as you can imagine, a lot to talk about. Tune in.
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