There is a very delicate balance in the world that, when left alone, tends to function and work as it was meant to, in complete harmony. Sadly we seem to be incapable of leaving things alone and have yet to learn that man cannot always improve what nature, time and custom have already perfected. And when that meddling is the result of personal aesthetics, well it can almost be seen as criminal. Today’s show is about protecting individual and property rights, defending the monarch butterflies, standing up to the bullies and winning.
Mike Pugh joins us On The Commons. Mike and his wife bought a house with a two acre meadow that is part of their property. It backs up to a line of trees and the meadow is only visible from the Pugh’s property. The meadow, with its abundance of milkweed plants, has been there for decades and is an important part of the monarch butterflies migratory path. And yes, there is a homeowners association involved. Isn’t there always when homeowners have to fight to protect their rights and their homes? The HOA decided that the meadow had to go and that’s how this fight started. After years of courtroom drama, the Pughs WON in a court of law. We’ll talk to Mike, learn more about the fascinating monarchs and the Pughs battles with the HOA. And as is typical, the HOA bullies can’t accept defeat gracefully, they still want the meadow mowed. So the battle continues. You can see Mike’s meadow here.
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