Oh, it’s a brave new world when homeowner associations and condos are allowed, by law, to assess fines for alleged rules infractions and covenant violations. They are also permitted to add junk fees, file a lien and then foreclose to collect those charges which often include hefty attorney fees. In many states associations have been granted priority over mortgages and other liens. What exactly does that mean? And how do associations find all these minor problems? The stories of covenant enforcement highlight the sheer pettiness and nastiness that seems to be quite rampant in association governed neighborhoods.
Bill Davis joins us On The Commons. Bill is an attorney in Texas who knows firsthand what it is like to be targeted by a homeowner association. He regularly represents other homeowners, often in the battle of their lives against their HOAs. We talk to Bill about super priority liens, find out what they are and what they do. We also talk about something that is on the horizon that would allow associations to watch an owner’s every move and inspect every nook and cranny on private property.We are, of course, talking about drones. As I mentioned, it is a brave new world. Private property? A home? What will American homes and property rights look like in the future.