Well, that’s where we need YOUR help. Over the past several decades housing and homeownership has changed dramatically. Gone are the days when a house was a stand alone dwelling, where the owner had full sovereignty of the real estate he or she bought. Gradually deeds to new homes started to come with a growing list of restrictions, covenants, duties and obligations. These changes happened over a period of time and are continuing to evolve. All of this happened without YOUR input. No one ever asked the housing consumers if this new form of housing was something they wanted. No one fully explained the ramifications of all the conditions and restrictions. In fact much of it was sugar coated or cloaked in half truths, misinformation or downright deceit.
Finally it is YOUR TURN to tell us what you think. Take the Survey.
Sara Benson joins us On The Commons this week. Sara is a long time Real Estate Broker in Chicago. Over the years she has seen the problems associated with condos. co-ops and homeowner association controlled housing. She is aware of the negative effects mismanaged and under reserved developments can have on the peace of mind of the owner, the financial plans for the future and the value of a property. She has witnessed the stress related physical issues homeowners have as a result of a tyrannical board or management company. She is committed to changing all that. Sara and a small group of homeowners would like YOUR HELP to come up with a list of some of the most egregious problems. It is YOUR TURN to be heard. Please take the survey NOW.
A few things to keep in mind. This survey is an independent survey and not affiliated with any industry. The information is strictly confidential. The questions are not about any issues or problems you have had or are having but rather your perception of what the problems are. Take the survey and have a voice in the changes that most affect you in your world.