Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.
From the very early days of mass producing homeowner associations, the only “solution” that has been offered to the many problems has been “education”. “Homeowners need to be educated on how to live in their homes.” “Board members need to be educated.” “Managers should be educated.” And so, to educate everyone, the Community Associations Institute was formed and for over 30 years CAI has been the only source of “education” in the country. After 30 years of training, educating and credentialing everyone involved in the 40 year experiment, problems not only persist but have increased. Is education the answer? If so, is CAI the right organization to be doing all this educating or are their efforts an exercise in futility?
On The Commons with Shu this week is Jan Bergemann. Jan is president of the Florida based Cyber Citizens for Justice CCFJ and host of the most recent conference put on by homeowners for homeowners. Please join us On The Commons. We’ll talk about why CCFJ put on the conference, what was involved in setting it up, lessons learned and any feedback they received. Find out what you should know if you are planning on hosting a similar event in your state.