Jan Bergemann

Consumers don’t take a course in auto mechanics when they buy a car, nor do need to know how the household appliances work just to own and operate them so why would housing consumers and homeowners be experts in HOA law?  After all, they are buying what once was a called “a home”, not getting a law degree.  But unlike a car or a houseful of appliances, it is the very lack of knowledge and understanding of modern day kommunities that puts them at risk of losing everything they own.  
Joining us On The Commons this week we have  Jan Bergemann.  Jan is the founder and president of the Florida based Cyber Citizens for Justice.  He is also one of the few homeowners who has taken the time to really learn and understand the mechanics of this newfangled concept of commingled housing.  He maintains a web site at www.ccfj.net where he has a whole host of articles and other good information.  We’ll find out what is going on in Florida and talk a little about whether or not this form of controlled living is a viable form of housing.

Roger Wood

Municipal mandates for HOA housing have not only provided local governments with tax free dollars but have also created a $50 Billion annual industry to service these developments.  There are lawyers to represent the corporations that have replaced our neighborhoods, managers to manage the homeowners as they live in what was once considered a private home,  there are landscapers to maintain the grounds, auditors and accountants for the occasional audits and book keeping chores, there are taste police and enforcement police and gates and now there are even poop scoopers with sophisticated DNA tests to track the naughty pooch who pooped on “The Properties”.   
The one career field that has remained more or less unchanged is the attorneys who specialize in representing the real clients in all this nonsense, the homeowners! 
Joining us  On The Commons  this week we have   Roger Wood.   Roger is an Arizona attorney who, two years ago, opened his own law firm representing ONLY homeowners.  His web site  http://jrogerwoodlaw.com/proudly announces they are putting the “H” back in HOA.  Join us, we’ll find out why an attorney with a lucrative career representing HOAs would give that up to represent the homeowners.  We’ll talk about some of the reasons he chose to go down this path and what he does.  You’ll be surprised by what he has to say and will no doubt agree with me that the US would be a better place if we managed to clone him, hundreds of times over.  You can also get to Roger’s web pageboy following this link.    www.HOAHelpNow.com