Bill Davis

Regular listeners to On The Commons know that I find the practice of fining a neighbor appalling. However, proponents of this practice will argue that it is the only way to control people’s behavior. I still haven’t figured out why John has the right, authority, or duty to ensure complete and total obedience to stupid … Continue reading Bill Davis

Bill Davis

“It’s a contract” they say.  “You agreed” they insist.  They accuse you of reneging on your promise.  And before you know it, you are being evicted from your home for some senseless reason.  There is so much wrong with this HOA concept, I don’t know where to begin to list even half of the problems.  One of … Continue reading Bill Davis

Bill Davis

The mere existence of a homeowners association does not mean that the HOA has limitless power and authority and can do everything and anything it wants.  Unfortunately that notion seems to be widely accepted.  I’ve heard board members say, “we are the board and can do anything we want” and their attorneys respond, You are not on solid … Continue reading Bill Davis

Bill Davis

If homeowner associations are so amazing and beneficial to the homeowners, why do proponents find it necessary to lie about them?  Why can’t they just be honest and explain why non HOA housing is for all intents and purposes non-existent?  Why aren’t prospective homeowners told the truth about what they are buying?  Is it because the truth … Continue reading Bill Davis

Bill Davis

Why is it that the single largest asset you own comes with more restrictions and controls placed on it than any other item you have?  Own a car?  You can choose the size, make, model, color, you can add seat covers, additional side mirrors to enhance your vision of your surroundings, add bumper stickers about … Continue reading Bill Davis

Bill Davis

That the system is rigged in favor of the corporation in residential associations is irrefutable.  Housing consumers are required to sign a “take it or leave it” contract when they buy a house, without knowing or understanding what they are getting into.  Then, when things head south, as they are wont to do, the  homeowners  are described, by … Continue reading Bill Davis